Choose one of my specialties
90’s Ponytails
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need Milky Way perm Yaky hair or any course (YAKY) human hair. (NO remy or silky hair) 12” for ponytail, 14” for back. If you want longer length, go 16” for back.
Add Tracks To HairCuts
Body Curls
Curl hair only
Bonded Closure, Shoulder QUICKWEAVE
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a 14”, 4x4, or 5x5, HD closure by Eve, Melt, of Ari. You can also get a HD, free part, pre plucked closure by any brand. 3 bundles of 14” body wave of your choice. You can also use saga remy gold, or dreamweaver bags of hair.
Bonded Closure Long QUICKWEAVE
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD, pre plucked closure, & bundles, by pink lemon. You may also bring bundles of your choice, be sure to bring 3-4, of your desired length.
Bonded Closure, Taper Swing Bob
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a HD, pre plucked closure (any brand) 2 bags of dream weaver remy, saga remy or empire, in 14” & 12”. One box of 27 piece hair by model model or Milky Way.
Bonded Closure Feathered Bob Qweave
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a free part, HD pre-plucked closure of any brand. Ali, & Ari are good closure brands. Bundles of choice, or bag of dreamweaver, saga remy , or empire. You can use 14”, & a 12” bundles, or bags.
Full Bonded Bob/NO LEAVE OUT
Bonded Frontal• Bob Quickweave
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a HD/transparent Ultra thin frontal. 2 bundles or bags of hair the same length. Preferred hair: Bundles, saga remy, dreamweaver remy or empire
Bonded Half Up/ Down MID Ponytail
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Two 16” bundles of any 100% virgin hair, or 2, 16” bags of dreamweaver, or saga
Bonded Half Up/Down HIGH Ponytail
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need 3 bundles of hair with 14-20”. You need 4 bundles for 22” & up. ***Preferred hair: Bundles, dream weaver remy, or saga remy (3 bags)
Bonded FRONTAL Half Up Half Down
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Hd pre plucked frontal 13x4 or 13x6. 3 bundles if over 22”. 2 bundles if 20” and under
Bonded 2 Ponytail Half/up/down
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Pixie Cuts Bonded (quickweave)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Get 1 box of Tara remy hair 246. 1 bag of empire, Milky Way , dream weaver, or any bag of 100% human hair for the longer side, on top. 8 or 10 inches….bring black stocking cap
27 Piece Bonded
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a box of model model or Milky Way 27 piece hair , & any bag of 100 percent human hair, in 8 inches
Bonded Take Down/wig braids
Bonded, Closure Blunt Bobs
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a Ari 5x5 pre plucked, lace closure for this look….Or any brand of HD pre plucked closure, as long as it Look realistic. Preferred hair: Bundles, saga remy, dreamweaver remy or empire. You Need the same lengths, 2 bags. Bring 12” hair, & closure.
Braid Install (Sew In)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
1 pack of xpressions braid hair, 20”…..3 bundles for full head….
Braid Install Maintenance •Re Braid
Braid Ponytail
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 1 pack of Xpression braid hair pre stretched, 30” or longer
Closure Install (FRONTAL ILLUSION)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a Pre plucked HD closure. HD melt makes good closure, or Ari. Preferred hair: Any Bundles, bring 3-4 depending on lengths you desire. Or bring saga remy gold, 2 bags under 16”. 3 bags over 16”. Your closure is glued down with lace glue, around hair line to achieve illusion of a frontal.
Closure Install (GLUELESS)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD, pre plucked lace closure, by melt, Rio, or Ari, or your choice. Hair preferred: Bundles…..Bring 3-4 bundles depending on the lengths you want. Or saga remy gold bags of hair. 2 bags for 16 and under. 16” and over bring 3 bags. Your closure is sewn down around hairline.
Closure Install Bob/Front Ilusion
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 4x4 pre plucked, hd closure. 2, 14” bundles
Closure Install Blunt Bob GLUELESS
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a ultra thin HD/transparent closure. Hair preferred: bundles, Saga remy, dreamweaver remy, or empire. BUY HAIR ALL “SAME” LENGTHS in 12 or 14”, 2 bags or bundles
Closure Install Feathered Bob
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Get 3 bundles of 14” & a pre plucked HD closure. Eve hair, Ari or rio closures. You can get the bundles, buy 1 get 2 free. In plastic bags, & have no brand name on them…or empire, dreamweaver or saga remy bags of hair
Closure WIG Install
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD/transparent Ultra thin lace closure unit. Make sure it’s been co washed, then air dry on wig head.
Closure Main (re glue/style)
Bonded Mullet
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 1 box of 27 piece hair in model model or Milky Way brand, one 12” empire or dreamweaver bag of hair, one 14” empire or dreamweaver bag of hair. If you want shorter, bring a 10”, & 12” bags of hair.
Closure Main. (RE GLUE ONLY)
Closure is re glued to skin on hair line
Closure SEW IN Main. W/shampoo
Closure Re - Position/& Style
Re position closure only is pulled back up to the hair line, then sewn back down
Closure Reposition ONLY (Sewn Down)
Color Retouch
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Consultation (SALON) •TUESDAY ONLY
$10.00 deposit required for new clients
Consultation (Virtual) TUE-WED ONLY
Virtual is free of charge, if you contact me. If you don’t cancel within 24 hours, or become a no call ( meaning you never contact me to have consult) it’s a $20 fee for wasted time. I free my time, to do the virtual appointment. Please contact me at appointment time at (903)742-0953, via FaceTime.
Crimps/ADD ON
Curly Perm (Short Hair)
Cut Down Sides & Back/Add On
Deep Condition Treatment (ADD ON)
Double Frontal Ponytail
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 2 HD frontals…16” …..1 bag of any human hair, or a bundle, in 14”….
Exfoliate Hair/ADD ON
Flat Iron/Add On
Flip Over Method (Sew In Install)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 3 1/2 to 4 bundles depending on the length you desire. Bring weaving net.
Flip Over Method Bonded (quickweave
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Frontal Install (SEW IN) Long
$40.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD/transparent Ultra thin lace frontal. Preferred hair: Bundles….Bring 3/4 bundles depending on desired length.
Frontal Bob Install • (SEW IN)
$40.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD/transparent Ultra thin lace frontal. Hair preferred: Bundles….Bring 2 bundles in same length, & same length in frontal.
Frontal Main (Re glue ONLY)
Frontal Half Up Half Down/ Sew In
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring bundles of choice, or pink lemon, or Ari from Save more, on Gilmer rd., store. Make sure you have a HD, pre plucked frontal….& 2 bundles if 20” and under. 3 bundles if 22” and up
Frontal Main (ReGlue/Style)
Frontal SEW IN Main/Shampoo
Cleanse hairline, re apply adhesive & basic styling. USE 91% ALCOHOL TO CLEAN HAIRLINE IF YOU PUT GLUE ON AT HOME
Frontal Messy Updo (One Frontal)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Frontal Ponytails
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You will need a PRE PLUCKED, HD frontal, 16” or longer. Two bundles of hair (your choice) 14” or longer, or two bags of any 100% human hair, 14” or longer…..Your real hair has be able to go into a ponytail for this style, comfortably.
360 Frontal WIG
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Frontal WIG Install
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring a HD/transparent Ultra thin lace frontal wig. Please co wash, then air dry on wig head. BRING WIG AT LEAST 2 DAYS, BEFORE APPOINTMENT, TO BE PREPPED.
Frontal WIG W/butterfly Crown Braid
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a HD, pre plucked 13x6 frontal wig
Frontal WIG Install (short Glam)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Get a HD pre plucked frontal wig in 16” 180 density
Frontal WIG Install (BRAID STYLE)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Frontal WIG /Low/Half Up/Down
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Hd pre plucked 13x6 wig in 22” and up
Frontal WIG Half Up/half Down
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Full Color On Wig
Color On Natural Hair (Full Head)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Prices go up depending on length & if I have to lift hair first before coloring. This is for real hair & extensions.
Full Head Highlights
$40.00 deposit required for new clients
Prices depend on length. My Color services are only for natural hair clients with healthy hair.
High Sleek Ponytail (BONDED)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You can bring 3 bundles/or bags of hair in 16, & 14 inches. Ali, Rio, or the bundles without a brand name is fine to use. You can use dream weaver, saga remy, if you want to use bags of hair.
Haircut (ADD ON)
Half Head Highlights
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Half Head Install •Sew In
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 2 bundles of hair in desired length
Half Up Half Down Bonded Bob
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
2 bundles, or 2 bags of dreamweaver, empire, or saga remy in 12”…..
Half Up Half Down Install (Sew In)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
For short or mid length, bring 3 bundles, or 3 bags of dream weaver, or empire. All of them in 14” for shorter look. Longer looks, bring 4 bundles.
Half Up Half Down SEWIN Main.
Half Bob BONDED (quickweave)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
2 bags of empire, or dreamweaver. 1 box of 27 piece hair by empire, dreamweaver or Milky Way.
Knot Bun
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 1 bag of 50-60 inch Xpression braiding hair. If you want hair added into swoop, bring 1 bag of 10” 100% human hair.
Layered Haircut
$15.00 deposit required for new clients
Loc Color
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Long Length (add On)
Loose Curls
Loose curls only
Low Sleek Ponytail
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
1 bags/or bundle of hair for lengths 14”, you need 2 bundles for lengths 16” and up…..I like pink lemon, or Ari….but, You can use Any kind of hair, as long as it’s human hair…..if you need hair added in swoop, bring additional bag or bundle.
Ombre Color On Natural Hair
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
I need extensions 3 days prior appointment. Pricing goes up after 3 bundles. Pricing goes up with any length over 20”.
Ombre Color On Wig
Perm Rod Set
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
PinUp Bun
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 1 bundle/or 1 bag of 14”, for updo, any kind (100% human) or you can bring bags of Empire, Milky Way perm yaky, or dreamweaver. You need a half bag or 1 bag of 12” for bangs…..
Pixie Cuts • SEW IN install
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
1 Box of Tara Remy 246 box. 1 Bag of any 100% human hair in 8” or 10”. Bring a weaving net CAP, 1 bag of xpressions braid hair, if your hair need it to braid.
Protein Treatment (ADD ON)
Relaxer Retouch
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Replace Closure (HAVE OLD ONE OFF)
Rinse •Temporary Color/ADD ON
Sew In TAKE down/ADD ON 2 Service
Sew In Take Dwn ONLY W/shampoo Bdry
Wig/Braids Take Down/ADD ON
Scalp Install (sew In) W/Silk Press
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
1 1/2 bundles, you need
Shampoo Style (shoulder/& past)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Shampoo, Cut & Style (BOB)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Shampoo Style (Short Hair)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bob Cut & Style (RELAXED HAIR)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Shampoo, Cut & Style (short Hair)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Short Cut & Style (RELAXED HAIR)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Short Cut/Bonded On 1 Side
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Silk Press W/Trim
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
SINGLE weft Install (sew In)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 2 bundles of hair
SINGLE Weft Install Maintenance
Single Weft Take Down/ADD ON
Single Weft Install Tighten/Style
Tape Ins (WITHOUT) Hair
$80.00 deposit required for new clients
$75 NON refundable DEPOSIT required. Bring your own tape ins…..
Tape Ins (WITH) RAW Indian Hair
$575.00 deposit required
Tape In Maintenance/3 Weeks
Tape In Detox/Reapply Tapes
Tape In Removal ONLY/Shampoo/bdry
Tape In Removal/Silk Press
Tape In Consult~Virtual (Tue-Wed)
Tape Reconstruction (Detox/Re-Tape
Detox, condition your tape ins that come out your head, & apply new tape. Need 3-4 days to get it done.
Tape In Maintenance/ 6 Weeks
Tighten Traditional Sew In/Style
Strip Yellow From 613 Hair
Trim Ends/ ADD ON
Trad. Bonded Blunt Bob, Quickweave
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need 2 bags of 12 inches. Hair preferred: Empire, saga remy gold, dreamweaver, or bundles
Trad. Bob Install (sewin)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need two bags of hair, BOTH in same length. Hair preferred: Empire, saga remy, or dreamweaver remy
Trad. Bonded Feathered Bobs
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
You need 2 1/2-3 bags of hair or pink lemon bundles. Hair preferred: Bundles, saga remy, Dreamweaver remy or empire
Trad. Bonded Shoulder Or Long
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 2/3 bags of hair depending on fullness you want. Preferred hair: Bundles, saga remy, or dreamweaver remy
Trad. Feather Bob Install (Sew in)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 2 1/2-3 bags or bundles. All in the SAME length. Hair preferred: Bundles, saga remy gold or dreamweaver remy
Trad. Layered Bonded Long/Med.
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 3, 14” bundles. Pink lemon or bundles of your choice
Traditional Install Main./shampoo
Traditional Long Install (SEW IN)
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
Bring 3-4 bundles of hair. CO WASH bundles, BEFORE appointment. Make sure they’re DRY, at appointment.
Two Part Install
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need 3 bundles of hair. Whichever bundles of your choice……
Updo’s/ Low & High
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Virgin Relaxer (Entire Head)
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Full head is relaxed
Wand Curls -ADD ON
Upart Wig Install
$30.00 deposit required for new clients
You need a HD, 13x6 full lace, frontal wig to create this look. 180-200 density wig
Versatile Bonded Weave QUICKWEAVE
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Late Fee- Past 10 Minutes
Closure Replace W/Flat Iron
PLEASE COME WITH IT OFF, & I’ll replace with a new one. Sew In can’t be over 3 weeks old
Color tape Ins Black (80 Pieces)
Glueless Wig Shampoo/Curl
Drop off your wig to be maintenanced
Ombre Bundles/closure (2)
Ombre Bundles/closure/wig (3)
Glueless Wig Shampoo/Straighten
Drop off wig to be maintenanced
Ombre Lift/ Plus Color/on Locs
$20.00 deposit required for new clients
Color On 3 Bundles/Closure
Lift Previous Highlights
Late Fee-15 Minutes
Color Frontal (highlight)
Not Cancelling Within 24 Hours Fee
Closure Knots Bleached
Frontal Knots Bleached
2 Day Hair Shipping Fee
Solid Color On 2 Bundles/Closure
Solid Hair Color Only/No Styling
$20.00 deposit required for new clients